STEMReader was developed by academics in Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) at the University of Southampton and aims to make science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects more accessible for students with print impairments such as specific learning difficulties, visual impairments, dyslexia or other concerns when working from functional to advanced levels and struggling to read and comprehend mathematical notation
STEMReader Basic
Has a range of tools and features to help you understand equations and maths notation. It allows you to explore equations using audio, text transcription or a map view
STEMReader Premium
You will be able to experience all the features of STEMReader Basic plus added features including: Exam Mode wich provides you with a serial key that disables certain features making it suitable for use in exams, assessments and tests. Treeview provides a tree view of your equation to show you how the equation is laid out semantically, and how it is laid out in computer memory. Microsoft Word Plug-in transfer equations directly from your Word documents into STEMReader.

Events Calendar
Webinar: Monthly Microsoft Campus Updates – March 2025
Mar 19 @ 11:00 - Mar 19 @ 11:30
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