Mitigation of COVID-19 disruption – Pugh Computers Ltd

Last updated: 23rd March 2020

Author: Mark Price, Pugh Computers Ltd, Technology Strategist for Modern Workplace


Please Note – Due to the seriousness of the circumstances surrounding the coronavirus pandemic and the pace at which things are developing, we are constantly assessing and reviewing our mitigation steps. These steps are therefore subject to change. We will communicate any further updates to our stakeholders based on future developments.


Business Continuity Plan
Pugh have a robust Business Continuity Plan in place which has been reviewed and updated over the past few weeks to ensure it is fit for purpose. This plan ensures that Pugh’s critical activities are maintained during various serious incidents with the aim to restore business as usual as soon as possible. These incidents include loss of critical systems and office closures.

Staff have been informed of these mitigation plans and trained to work from home if needed, including remotely connecting to Pugh’s virtual private network, accessing emails from home, rerouting phone calls to personal/home devices and conducting virtual remote meetings with other staff members, partners and customers.

Following Government recommendations, Pugh implemented this plan on 19th March 2020 as a direct response to the coronavirus threat. The mitigation steps that were created and tested are now in place, with all staff successfully working from home. A small number of staff continue to work from the office in order to maintain critical activities but are always keeping at least two metres apart from each other. All staff, whether working from home or working from the office, are strictly following the social distancing and hygiene measures advised by the Government. Pugh are constantly reviewing the latest Government advice and will act further based on this advice.


Supply Chains
Pugh partner with several vendors and distributors. We are in close communication with these partners to ensure that both they and us can continue to provide critical services during these difficult times. We have already received communications from key partners including Microsoft, and we are satisfied that business continuity plans they have in place are fit for purpose.

Most of our sales are for software products and cloud services. The digital, automated and remote accessibility characteristics of these products and services mean that we assess our risk of supply failure as low.


Cleanliness & Hygiene
We have provided all staff with cleanliness and hygiene recommendations based on NHS guidelines and have ensured we have a good supply of antibacterial handwash and paper towels in the office.

The office is cleaned regularly to a high standard and we have also brought in extra measures to help combat the potential spread of the virus, including regularly sanitising door handles, switches, bannisters and desks.



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