Gofod 3 Webinar: Speed up your workflows with Adobe Sign for non-profits
Date: 30/06/2021
Time: 14:00 – 15:00pm
Presenter: Adobe Sign Specialist
Pugh are very pleased to be part of Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) annual conference, Gofod 3.
Frustrated with slow workflows? Waiting weeks for volunteer agreements to be drafted, posted, signed and returned? With Adobe Sign, this is all done in just minutes, letting your volunteers hit the ground running.
And what about all that paper? Tired of constantly filing documents? Had enough of the piles of paperwork on your desk? Or do you simply care too much about the environment to keep printing sheets and sheets of paper?
Luckily, Adobe Sign solves all these problems with legally binding e-signatures and highly secure document tracking and auditing. Join us to discover a solution that’s right for you.