Adobe Named User Licenses reduced from 500 to 300 Now available !!!
Date: Wednesday 10th February 2020
Time: 02:00 – 2:30 pm
Speaker: Tom MacIldowie, Education Business Architect at Adobe
Adobe have reduced the minimum purchase for K-12 Named User License packs from 500 to 300.
About this Event
Join us for a quick 15-minute update on how Adobe Named User Licenses allows access from home on personal devices, reducing the need to provide school-owned devices and to license classroom devices.
Also find out how you can simply assign a user license to provide access to the full suite of Creative Cloud apps, services and files on any compatible device.

Adobe & Microsoft: Creativity meets Productivity
Last updated:24th May 2020
Adobe and Microsoft are two of the biggest names in technology. If you use any sort of computing device, the chances are that you use at least some of their tools, whether it’s exploring your creativity with Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator, or getting productive with Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint. And let’s not forget Adobe Acrobat; how would we cope without this staple PDF tool?
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